MRC Development Partners offers investment opportunities in oil and gas through Joint Venture Partnerships. Investing in oil and gas with MRC Development Partners gives the sophisticated investor the ability to take advantage of tax incentives and high capital return potential as well as providing a hedge against market instability.
Some of the world's greatest fortunes were created in oil and natural gas. Investments in this area have the potential to be very profitable, sometimes generating multiple returns on investment. Technological breakthroughs, like 3-D seismic, have given smaller independent oil companies the ability to compete with the majors, particularly on the smaller lease plays.
In turn, this has benefited private capital and the individual investor alike by affording the ability to invest in oil and gas prospects previously considered the domain of the majors. With the current state of the world economy, oil and gas is an investment that is particularly timely right now for some of the following reasons.
1. After 120 years, oil continues to be the world's most prized resource.
2. The U.S. imports almost 50% of our domestic needs.
3. America uses 20% of the daily world oil production with only 4% of the world population.
4. Independents drill 90% of the wells in the U.S., producing 68% of America's oil.
5. Global oil demand is expected to increase to 106.21 million barrels a day by 2025.
MRC offers qualified persons and entities the opportunity to participate in Joint Venture Partnerships focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of oil and gas properties for the purpose of generating income and lucrative tax benefits for our Partners, which retain 100% control over their Joint Ventures.
Because of the risk involved in oil and gas partnerships, only those individuals who qualify as accredited investors may participate in one of our Joint Ventures. An accredited investor is defined as an individual who satisfies at least one of the standards listed below:
1. An individual whose net worth (excluding the value of your primary residence) and personal property, over total liabilities, individually or in addition to that pf his or her spouse at the present time exceed $1 million.
2. An individual who has had income in each of the two most recent years in excess of $200,000, or joint income with his or her spouse in excess of $300,000 in each of the two most recent years, and reasonably expects the same income level in the present year.
3. An entity in which all the equity owners are accredited investors.
4. An individual or entity that may otherwise be deemed an accredited investor as that term is defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D as promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
5. Corporations
6. Accredited Trusts
DRILL DOWN on MRC Development Partners. Information about our current projects is available only to registered Qualified Partners. Learn more about our company and planned future endeavors by clicking on the link below.
There are many different oil and gas programs in the marketplace. As a potential investor, the looming question in everyone's mind is how to determine which program has the best chance of economic success and which is the best "fit" for one's investment strategy. The goal in all oil and gas investing is to eliminate or manage all prevailing risks aside from Mother Nature.
There are certain factors to consider when investing in oil and gas drilling investments, and more specifically, how they may affect the potential outcome of the investment. Specifically, how the venture is structured, where the project is located, well cost relative to expected possible production, the knowledge and experience of the managing venture partner and the oil and gas operator who will conduct the drilling and production of the well for the interest owners.It all begins with how much oil and gas revenue a company has distributed over its tenure. Although past performance never guarantees future success, it stands to reason that a company with properly priced programs coupled with oil finding abilities will have a solid track record in achieving success for its ventures.
Domestic energy resources have always played a vital role in our economy. We believe that oil and gas will see significant appreciation in price in the years to come and entities with direct interest in producing wells will benefit greatly. Before you participate, make sure you have explored your options. CLICK BELOW to access a simple guide to help take the guess work out of it to properly evaluate the hidden risks of any project, and most importantly, how to separate “Truth” from “Hype” to determine the true potential of any given well.
As a courtesy, feel free to contact us if you need help in the evaluation of any project.
MRC Development Partners
17177 Preston Rd., Suite #370N Dallas, TX 75248
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